Paintings & works of art

Paintings & works of art

Ramsay Cornish has a strong Fine Art department, headed up by Martin Cornish, our Head of Valuations and Richard Edwards, formerly of Sothebys New York where he was a specialist in the European Works of Art Department,.  It has been a delight to handle some exciting works including Tracy Emin, Pat Douthwaite, Sir William Gillies, Antony Gormley, Alan Davie, John Byrne and Picasso.  Other signficant figures in the artworld passing through the saleroom include Jenny Savile, with her Nude Study, sketch, selling to a national collection for £223,200*, and L.S. Lowry, Figure Walking, selling for £54,180*.

Our Specialists

Martin Cornish
Martin Cornish
Richard Edwards
Richard Edwards

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